Friday 3 December 2010


We have done a powerpoint summarizing what we did the first evaluation.We did a powerpoint to explain all. Later we recorded our voices to put with our power point. For that we created a slideshare count but we couldn't upload the audio, so what we have thought is to upload the two things to google docs in two diferent links. You can open the two at the same time and see and listen to it. To see the powerpoint click here and to listen to the audio here.

Wednesday 10 November 2010


We have decided to talk about Paul C because in the ICTS they had told us that we have to choose one of the Nobel price winners and we chose Paul C.Lautrbur. We have chosen this person because he helped in hospitals and he did a wonderfull work for the world.

Paul C.Lauterbur was born on 6th of May of 1929 in Sidney, Ohio, and he died on 27 March of 2007 in United States on the age of 77. He graduated in Sidney High School where a new Chemistry, Phicics and Biology wing was dedicated in his honor. When he was a teenage he built a laboratory in the basement of his house. His chemistry teacher let him do his own experiments at the back of the class. In 1950 he went to the army and his superior ordered him to do a nuclear magnetic resonance machine.

He was awarded along Mansfield with Nobel price in 2003. They gave him the Nobel price because Raymond Damadian wrote in The New York Times, The Washington Post and in The Los Angeles Time protesting that they hadn't included Lauterbur and Mansfield in candidates for the Nobel Price. He said that they had been included for the discoveries of odorant receptors and the organization of the olfactory system.

Wednesday 27 October 2010


We have done one work in the ICTs class. We are 22 in class and we are organised in pairs, so we are eleven groups in class. The work consisted in starting the first three o four lines of a story. Later, we said to the next pair that they can continue the story and we had to continue the story of the previous pair. When we finished that we continued with the next story. So our story has rotated around all the class and all the pairs have written four lines of our story and we have written four lines in all the stories. With this method we have done eleven stories and all people have participated making all stories.

Click here if you want to see the original document:


One day, in the house of the Ghok family they were eating lunch when suddenly they heard something in the kitchen. Jack, the father went to the kitchen to see what was happening and he saw one big knife with a lot of blood and the head of his daughter. He called to the police saying that someone had killed his daughter. After that a lot of police officers came to the house.

The policemen investigated but they didn’t find any clue so the main suspect was Jack because he had found the body. All of them were destroyed because of what was happening; Lilly was dead, Jack was going to prison until proving that he had not killed his daughter. John, Lilly’s brother, knew that his father couldn’t be the Lilly’s murderer so he started investigating and he found her sister’s diary.

In the diary Lilly had written a lot of mysterious things. John began reading the diary and little by little he got to know new things. Lilly was a very curious girl and she liked a lot to investigate things. One day John found out a very interest thing. Lilly had known that their neighbour, Mr Jones, owed money to a rich man and because of this Mr Jones was threatened by the rich man.

John, told all of this to the police and so, the rich man became a suspect. The police with the help of John started to investigate about the rich man. Some days later, they found some proofs that pointed that this man had killed more people before this murder, so they started investigating about him.

While the police were investigating the rich man another suspect appeared. This suspect was a friend of Jack’s daughter, his name was Anthony. This boy hated Jacks daughter and he was always bullying her. The day of the death this boy was near Jacks house and the police took him to the police station for some questions.

The police started to questing Anthony. He said that not killed Lilly but the police didn’t believe and started to bullying him. The police took him to an reformatory. He past one week in the reformatory but he was fed up and he tried to scape. The security officer caught him and he hit him.

The police didn’t know what to do, they had three suspects Anthony, the rich man and Jack. The police decided to a questionary to each one asking them what they had done in the crimen day, what relation they had with Lilly... and they started with Jack because they thing that he was the main suspect.

Jack was very nervious because the police was a very strong man and he had strong character. The police started asking him “where were you when Lilly died?” and Jack awnsered “I was in my room listening music, so i didn´t have oportunity to kill Lilly.” Later the other policeman entered in the room and he looked them badly.

Jack was aterroriced with polices, but they say to him that it was in of and that they have to do other questions to others. Later, the police do the same question to Anthony, and alsaw he said that it was cooking in her house when Lilly dies. After that, the police start analyzing the suces and they think that Anthony was the most suspect

Suddenly, when they were questioning shots were heard on all sides. and the police knew that neither of them was the murderer. ran behind the man who shot and after running for a long time they overtook him..

The shooter and murderer were the same person, was John. Jack was in the police station in another room, when he heard that his neighbour was the murderer he started shouting:

-Why, why did you do that?

-Because... she reject me.

-But she was a child!!

The police arrested John and they took him to a madhouse. Nobody knew anymore about him.

Saturday 9 October 2010


Hello, we are going to talk about Western Sahara, that is the rich part of sahara. People think that all Sahara is a desert and they live in camps but that is another part, the poor Sahara. In Western Sahara people live in houses like us, children go to school, families meet to lunch like us...

Western Sahara is located in the north of Africa, bordering the Atlantic Ocean. It is surrounded by Mauritania, Morroco and Argelia. The land is arid or inhospotable, but it is rich in photospates in Bou Craa. However, They don't have natural resources and do not have enough rainfall to supply the majority of agricultural activities. Its economy is focused on nomadic herding, fishing and extraction of phosphates, which is the largest site in the world. Most food for the urban population must be imported. All trade and other economic activities are controlled by the Moroccan government. The income and living standards are substantially below those of Morocco.

Most people have heard of the Sahara Campsite in the desert of Argelia. This campsite was built up when people from Western Sahara left their country when Morocco invaded it. That was because of the Ifni war.

1957 and April 1958 and culminated with the abortive siege of the city of Sidi Ifni.
This war took place in the context of the decolonization process in Africa during the second half of the twentieth century. The war was directed primarily by members of the Moroccan Liberation Army, the former liberation force that fought for independence against the French, led by the leader of Istiqlal, Ben Hammu.

An interesting place that we can visit in Western Sahara is Dakhla. Dakhla is a city of 40.000 inhabitants that is located to 550km south of Aaiun. Dakhla has been a very conflictive aarea during a lot of years but nowadays the violence has decreased, so the city now is improving in tourism rates, because of the lovely beaches and the possibility to practice surf, windsurf and kite surf.

Another interesting place to visit in Western sahara is Aaiun. Aaiun is the most important city of Western Sahara that is located to 28km to the north coast. There practice a lot of sports but th most important is the football. The most important team is Jeunesse Massira that played in the most important league of Morroco. there are also more teams offolother sports but they don't have so many followers.

Smara is olso a good place to visit if you go to Western Sahara. It is located in the North of Western Sahara and there live 42.000 people.

Wednesday 15 September 2010


Hello we are Koldo and Brahim.
We have created a blog where we are going to publish all our works of ICTs